Cloud-based Financial Consolidation and Reporting

Sponsored by Host Analytics

Learn how to address the many challenges of an under-powered or overly rigid financial consolidation system with a modern solution.

  • Author: BPM Partners
  • Date: March 2016
  • Pages: 7
  • This white paper is available for Instant Download

Executive Summary:

All companies know they require planning and forecasting software to replace spreadsheets, but many do not think they need a financial consolidation solution. If they require just minimal or no currency conversion, or have only one general ledger, they often tolerate the struggle to get through quarterly and year-end close and reporting manually. As other processes in Finance are improved, though, the difficulties in the financial close stand out more.

Performance Management to Maximize Bank Profitability

  • Utilize performance management to maximize profitability in banks while also addressing stress testing and capital adequacy analysis.
  • Author: BPM Partners
  • Date: July 2015
  • Pages: 23
  • This white paper is available for Instant Download

Executive Summary:

Under pressure to boost profitability in fiercely competitive markets, many regional financial institutions are expanding their use of technology for budgeting, planning, forecasting and broader performance management needs.  With banks focused intensely on the cost of acquiring customers and scrutiny of assets for under-performance, there is a critical need for sensitivity/what-if analysis, stress testing of loan portfolios, integrated planning, and integrated portfolio planning with other areas of the bank such as treasury, for capital adequacy analysis. Executive, regional, and line of business managers need to know what is happening and its impact on profitability.

Automating Budgeting and Forecasting for the Midmarket

Sponsored by Centage

  • Warning signs that indicate it’s time to make the move, and steps to minimize the costs and time frame required to implement.
  • Author: BPM Partners
  • Date: August 2013
  • Pages: 12
  • This white paper is available for Instant Download

Executive Summary:

When and how should an organization with revenues up to $250 million make its move from budgeting and forecasting that are based exclusively on spreadsheets, to a packaged application? How can the SME significantly lower its TCO (total cost of ownership) for a business performance management (BPM) solution? A valid starting point is to establish which processes urgently need automation and how dominant a factor implementation time will be in your system selection process. For some companies, especially those with very small IT departments, the amount of pre-configuration and built-in logic or financial intelligence are important; in other words, how ready the application is right out of the box.

Performance Management to Maximize Bank Profitability

Sponsored by Longview Solutions

  • Utilize performance management to maximize profitability in banks while also addressing stress testing and capital adequacy analysis.
  • Author: BPM Partners
  • Date: October 2011
  • Pages: 23
  • This white paper is available for Instant Download

Executive Summary:

Under pressure to boost profitability in fiercely competitive markets, many regional financial institutions are expanding their use of technology for budgeting, planning, forecasting and broader performance management needs.  With banks focused intensely on the cost of acquiring customers and scrutiny of assets for under-performance, there is a critical need for sensitivity/what-if analysis, stress testing of loan portfolios, integrated planning, and integrated portfolio planning with other areas of the bank such as treasury, for capital adequacy analysis. Executive, regional, and line of business managers need to know what is happening and its impact on profitability.

The Strategic Need to Automate the Last Mile of Finance

Sponsored by IBM

  • Why it’s strategically important, and what steps are required to automate the last mile of Finance.
  • Author: BPM Partners
  • Date: March 2011
  • Pages: 15
  • This white paper is available for Instant Download

Executive Summary:

The Last Mile of Finance is a term that describes the business processes and activities that take place between the trial balance and the filing of SEC‐required statements and other statutory reports. At present, the Last Mile has become much tougher to traverse due to new regulatory disclosure requirements including eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) and efforts to enhance Internal Controls over Financial Reporting (ICFR).   The penalties for getting financial statements wrong or filing them late can be extremely costly. They include Security Exchange Commission (SEC) fines and technical defaults on debt and bonds, not to mention negative exposure on stock price and a higher cost of capital. Simply put, organizations have strong motivation to avoid these penalties.

Profitability Analysis and Optimization

  • Gain a competitive advantage through profitability optimization.
  • Author: BPM Partners
  • Date: December 2008
  • Pages: 14
  • This white paper is available for Instant Download

Executive Summary:

With organizational competitiveness, sustainability and cost management having higher visibility in the executive suite, profitability management is something that no company can take for granted. The good news is that improved business processes, powered by optimized technology, can help many companies significantly improve their profitability. It takes a level of commitment and some investment to realize the benefits, but if done right, the result can easily justify the cost.