Performance Management to Maximize Bank Profitability

  • Utilize performance management to maximize profitability in banks while also addressing stress testing and capital adequacy analysis.
  • Author: BPM Partners
  • Date: July 2015
  • Pages: 23
  • This white paper is available for Instant Download

Executive Summary:

Under pressure to boost profitability in fiercely competitive markets, many regional financial institutions are expanding their use of technology for budgeting, planning, forecasting and broader performance management needs.  With banks focused intensely on the cost of acquiring customers and scrutiny of assets for under-performance, there is a critical need for sensitivity/what-if analysis, stress testing of loan portfolios, integrated planning, and integrated portfolio planning with other areas of the bank such as treasury, for capital adequacy analysis. Executive, regional, and line of business managers need to know what is happening and its impact on profitability.