Extending Performance Management for Company-Wide Benefits

Sponsored by OneStream Software

  • Discover how to easily go beyond Finance with extended solutions for operations
  • Author: BPM Partners
  • Date: October 2017
  • Pages: 13
  • Now available for Instant Download.

Executive Summary:

Business performance management (BPM, also known as CPM or EPM) has established its place and importance in most corporate Finance departments. BPM applications are very effective at automating routine budgeting, planning, and forecasting tasks, as well as consolidation and reporting. This is the core of BPM, but it is just the beginning of the use cases for performance management in the enterprise. Businesses need measurement, analysis and insight, in a wide range of management tasks, and many users outside Finance are ready to put BPM to work in their jobs. Often, this requires extending or modifying the functionality, models, or analytics to fit a department or business unit.